
Throughout your medical career, regular appraisals and assessments apply to all doctors working at any Trust.

The aim is to provide regular feedback on your performance and help you identify your training and development needs.  You are required to engage with the educational process and you will be assessed on specific outcomes throughout the two years you spend on placements, as outlined by the Foundation Curriculum.

Supervisor meetings

You are required to meet with your Clinical Supervisor at the start and end of each placement.  At these meetings, the CS will complete the relevant form on HORUS to document your progress to date.

You will also meet with your Educational Supervisor at the start and end of each placement.  Ensure the relevant form is completed for these meetings too.

The CS and ES meetings will have a different focus.  Your CS will concentrate upon the specific training within the placement you are in at that time.  Your ES will take a wider view of your training, in terms of career aims and how to focus your training where possible.

NOTE: HORUS will only allow you to complete the Supervisor meetings within a specific window of time.  Book time with your CS/ES asap.

In addition to these required meetings and any clinical training, you can formally meet with either your CS and/or your ES at any point throughout the year, for support and guidance.  These meetings should be formally recorded on HORUS too.

All Supervisor meetings (and the comments on the HORUS forms) are vital building blocks to your end of year ARCP.

FPD 1:1 meeting

During each Foundation Year, usually around the first change-over of placement, you will meet with your Foundation Programme Director (FPD) for a 1:1 discussion about your progress to date.  Your HORUS portfolio will be looked at and evaluated as per expected completion of milestones.

You will be able to provide feedback about your placement, explore career options and ask any questions about the Foundation Programme.


At the end of the training year, you will be subject to an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP), similar to an appraisal.

An ARCP panel, made up of Trust based doctors (but none that have directly supervised you), who will review evidence in your HORUS portfolio to make an informed judgement as to whether you have met the satisfactory requirements for FY1/FY2.

The ARCPs are held early June, following the virtual lockdown of HORUS at the end of May.  Any evidence added after the lockdown date will not be considered by the panel assigned to your ARCP.

The ARCP will assign you an Outcome.  For FY1, you require an Outcome 1 to achieve full GMC registration and proceed to FY2.  For FY2, you require an Outcome 5 to complete the Foundation Programme.

Useful Links for this section:

UK Foundation Programme Office - ARCP

GMC guidance on good practice

Care Quality Commission

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)

Useful Documents for this Section:

ARCP Tick Sheet for Trainees - FY1

ARCP Tick Sheet for Trainees - FY2

This page was last updated in November 2023.