Quality Data Reports

Welcome to our Online Quality Data Library

Here you can access all of our published Educational Quality Data Reports, including information that comes from our Local Surveys, Focus Groups and the National GMC & NETs Surveys.

Completing Local Surveys: Our Evaluation of Education Experience is open 3 times per year. The link will be sent to you but please feel free to leave feedback whenever you feel appropriate.  Evaluation of Education Experience Survey

Alternatively you can contact our team directly or  our BTH Education Drop- box is open all year round for you to leave confidential feedback.

Local Survey reports:

The Evaluation of Education Report is available to all BTH Staff or Trainees to view. Please contact the team if you require a link to this report.


National Surveys: 

The links to National surveys will be sent to Trainees and Supervisors directly however the Trust will also promote/advertise these where appropriate.


The Quality Team collate the data from National Surveys into a Trust dashboard Report. This link is sent to all Speciality leads to view. But please contact the team if you require a link to these reports.


This data combined with our local surveys all contribute to our ongoing quality improvements for Education.

Please see our 'You said we did' pages for information of actioned improvements from previous feedback.