Library & Knowledge Service

The library can be found within the Education Centre.

The library is staffed between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Click here for our main library site

Borrowing books

You may borrow up to 10 books for a period of four weeks (fines are payable on books not returned on time). You can renew your books online via the library catalogue, via our app or by telephone or in person.


  • Study space and PCs (including three quiet study rooms)
  • Print and digital books, journals and databases
  • Inter-Library loans (Ask Liz)
  • Literature searching service
  • Athens registrations to enable open access to a range of online resources (Ask Laura)
  • Information skills training, in particular: accessing databases, undertaking literature searches
  • Current awareness bulletins on a range of specialist topics
  • We also have a collection of lifestyle and wellbeing books and fiction books
  • Printing, photocopying, scanning, binding and laminating facilities

Some of the online resources you may find particularly useful during your time here are:

ClinicalKey - a collection of more than 600 journals (including The Lancet)  1,200 books (including Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine and Macleod’s Clinical Examination) and many thousands of procedural and education resources such as videos, images, topic summaries and drug monographs and is an extremely useful resource for education and evidence based practice. (Clinical key is accessible via the Trust Intranet. Athens password required)

DynaMed – clinical answers at the point of care. DynaMed is a database of answers to the questions you are most likely to ask in clinical practice. The information is submitted by experts and is updated regularly to provide an evidence based point of care decision tool. (DynaMed is accessible via the Trust Intranet)

Internurse – Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare Journals to support professional practice, revalidation and CPD

Dynamic Health – is a point of care tool designed specifically for nurses

The Library have put together a list of Medical Education Exam Books which can be found here -  Heritage Online (

To borrow any of these books you will need to be a member of the Library, you can register for membership here.  Once you are member you can borrow up to 10 items using the self-issue kiosk located in the Library, if the book you want it already out on loan you will be able to reserve it so you can borrow it once it is returned.  For more information about the services offered by the Library please see the webpage at or contact the team on

 The Library Team:

  • Linda Kalinda, Library Services Manager
  • Laura Sims, Electronic Services and Outreach Librarian
  • Chris Gupta, Digital Services Trainee
  • Liz Guffogg, Library Assistant

Contact us: 
Tel: 01253 953831     Ext. 53831

“The staff are very welcoming and helpful. The library has a great range of resources”