

Requires trainees to hold PLS and NLS. These can be arranged through Victoria Hospital Blackpool on arrival and application for study leave is not necessary.

Emergency Medicine:

Requires trainees to know MAXIMS software and arrangements will be made through the IT department at Blackpool Victoria Hospital prior to starting in A&E.

Minor Surgery, Family Planning and CHS:

These courses are not held on base site, but Yvonne will forward any notices from other hospitals as soon as received. All sessions are supported by NHS England for study leave.

Clinical courses:

Those deemed to be useful for general practice, eg Clinical courses for Primary Care run by the NW faculty of the RCGP are supported by NHS England for study leave. Details are available on their respective websites.

RCGP courses are found on their website and offer minor surgery, joint injections, 6-8 week baby, Cervical cytology, ophthalmology and more, and are supported by NHS England for study leave.

Automatic approval for all trainees
Course Comments
Structured Education Programme Mandatory release, no funding implications
RCGP-provided or accredited SCA and AKT course One course attendance per trainee
Fourteen fish AKT and SCA support Funding for whole blended package per trainee.
BLS training One attendance per trainee in ST3
Child protection training One course attendance per trainee. Trainees should ensure that they have completed a Level 3 course by the start of ST3.
GP Update Day e.g. NB Medical / Red Whale For all in ST3
Courses NOT approved for funding, although time off might be authorised
RCA or AKT revision or study courses provided by any other provider.
Repeat courses already undertaken e.g. RCA or AKT preparation
Attendance at courses or conferences overseas
Events outside the region unless authorised by a TPD

Attendance of Outpatients:

You may wish to attend specialties not within your track, to acquire core skills in examination and diagnosis. Please approach Consultant to enquire and make arrangements, then speak to Dr. Meenakshi Varia, TPD.

Diabetic Eye Screening:

Diabetic Eye-Screening Clinic Info