
The FY1 teaching programme is held typically for one full day on every other Tuesday and the FY2 teaching programme is held typically every other Thursday. The teaching programme is now mainly taught through simulated scenarios and is organised by the clinical skills team. If you are interested in helping facilitate or teach on one of these days, please contact Anne-Marie Walker on anne-marie.walker@nhs.net ,

All trainees must be released to attend teaching and the only accepted reasons for non-attendance are:

  • Twilight shift (trainees are encouraged to try and attend some part of teaching if possible)
  • Zero hours
  • Day off
  • On call (RCs will try to find cross cover when possible)
  • Annual leave
  • Special leave
  • Sick leave
  • Study leave (FY2 only)

Teaching dates are issued in advance to Consultants and Rota Co-Ordinators and are expected to ensure that all trainees are scheduled to be able to attend teaching. Occasionally we ask that trainees are released for other courses such as Advanced Life Support. The dates for these sessions are also sent in advance to the Rota Co-Ordinators.