
The Trust wishes to ensure that all of its employees are treated fairly. If you have problems or concerns about your work, working environment or working relationships the Trust wishes to see these problems resolved before they develop into more serious situations.

The Trust takes employees’ grievances seriously and would encourage you to raise any concern at an early stage so that they may be resolved fairly and swiftly. In many cases, it will be possible to resolve such issues informally, by talking them over with your line manager.

However cases of alleged discrimination, harassment and victimisation, particularly where the alleged perpetrator is your immediate line manager, it may not be possible to follow the normal grievance procedure. In cases such as this, you should follow the Trust's separate procedure for dealing with sensitive issues.

If you wish to disclose information, which in your reasonable belief relates to a wrongdoing at work and is in the public interest, you should follow the Trust's Whistleblowing procedure.

In accordance with Just Culture, please ensure you have attempted the 4Ws process as detailed in the attached document.  Just Culture - 4W's process.

A Just Culture looks first at what was responsible for an issue or situation before looking at who was responsible. The actions of individuals need to be placed into context early, not at the end which often happens.


Combined Policy:


Mediation Service.

The mediation service is completely independent  from oneHR to ensure complete independence, confidentiality and neutrality.  More information and an application form is on the Mediation Sharepoint site:
