April Falls Day a great success

April 1st 2016 was not just April fool’s Day, but April Falls day too. Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust hosted the event in support of the national campaign Sign Up To Safety. Falls Risk and Response Leads Francesca Hall and Emma Montgomery, encouraged staff and members of the public to engage with specialists from services… Continue Reading April Falls Day a great success

Sarah Jane with Tony Henry and BBC cameraman

Blackpool Teaching Hospital’s secretary performs with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the BBC

A PART time secretary at Blackpool Victoria Hospital is about to hit the big time. Poulton Drama’s Sarah Jane Stone was chosen to be been the ‘rehearsal Titania’, standing in for Ayesha Dharker in the RSC’s Play For The Nation- A Midsummer Night’s Dream with the whole process is being filmed for a BBC documentary.… Continue Reading Blackpool Teaching Hospital’s secretary performs with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the BBC