A huge thank-you for Covid-19 response

Berenice Groves

THERE is only one topic to talk about this week which is obviously Coronavirus, or COVID-19, as it is becoming more widely known.

The first thing we want to do is thank every single member of staff for everything you are doing to support patients – and your colleagues – in this hugely trying time for everyone.

We realise it is tough for everyone and people want answers quickly to reassure them. We can assure you there is a team of people who are working tirelessly to help provide those answers for you, our public and our partners.

We have to stress again though that there are a huge number of things to consider.

Things are changing daily and we don’t always have the answers to hand and we must ask that people realise that and tre

Janet Barnsley

at everyone with the utmost respect as we are very definitely all in this together.

On a personal level you are all heroes. We can’t say it any more simpler than that really. You are the ones who are
fighting this fight with the rest of our fantastic public servants head on and we have already heard some amazing
stories about how people are going way over and above their normal roles.

It’s essential that everyone is on the same page and keeps up-to-date with the information that is coming out. This is
so that any advice you receive, and you pass on, is accurate. Also, so that you know exactly what is happening and
when and that you are fully informed about changes or developments. Consistency is so important so please, look
out for and read the daily bulletins that are being sent via our Communications team.

All updates will be available on our BTH Coronavirus SharePoint site and our Staff App.

Again, the single, most important, thing we can all do to stop the spread and to prevent catching the infection is to
maintain good hand hygiene and follow the principles of catch it, kill it, bin it!

As well as looking after our patients it is also vital that we all look after ourselves too. Please do all you can to keep
healthy and please look after yourself and your colleagues.

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