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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
FOI 03575
Request Date
February 3, 2020
26 Week Pathway

I am writing to request access to some information under the Freedom of Information Act.

•           I would like to request any policy or document that describes your trust’s current approach for offering choice to patients who have been on an elective pathway for over 26 weeks.

•           I would also like to request any documents regarding a pilot scheme for or about 26 week choice at your trust.

The 26 Choice that I am referring to is outlined in the following document and specifically explained in the following text from that document.


“A number of pilot sites across the country are now putting in place practical solutions to offer patients who have been waiting for 26 weeks on an RTT pathway a meaningful choice of an alternative provider. During 2020/21, all providers and systems should be implementing supplementary choice at 26 weeks with reference to the 26 Week Choice Rules and Guidance and the best practice models emerging from the pilot programme. In preparation, providers should ensure they have robust validation arrangements in place, so that waiting list data are as accurate as possible”.



Please find below the pathway for any elective patients requesting transfer to another provider (inter-provider transfer – IPT) due to their length of wait.

Whilst the NHS constitution details that patients should be treated within 18 weeks of referral the option of choice of alternative provider is currently set at 26 weeks.

The IPT process can only be triggered if the request is made explicitly by the patient and where we are unable to offer them treatment within 26 weeks. As most NHS Trusts have lengthy waits it is usual that the patient will request transfer to an Independent Sector (IS) hospital who hold an NHS contract – for patients waiting at BTH this is likely to be Spire (Fylde Coast) or Ramsay (Fulwood or Euxton Hall) and as such the patient must be suitable to transfer to the IS. If the choice is another NHS establishment then the provider should be in a position to accept most cases as we can.

On receiving the request from your patient, please liaise with your relevant Directorate Manager (DM) who will agree the transfer process with the Commissioner and will ensure the chosen provider is able to treat and accommodate the patient within a reasonable time-frame. In addition your DM will ensure the relevant IPT form is completed, duly signed and logged internally. Once the transfer is agreed your DM will ensure the waiting list entry at the Trust is closed.

Providers including the IS will not accept IPT transfers where this process has not been followed.

This has been agreed with commissioning colleagues.

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