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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
January 10, 2020
MRI Scan At Zoo

1). Does your Trust have a process in place for patients who are unable to fit in, or use, an MRI machine but who may need a MRI scan? If so, what is this process?

2). Does your Trust send patients who may need an MRI scan who meet the criteria of being unable to use your Trusts’ scanners above, to other locations, for example, zoos or research facilities?

3). Does your Trust pay other facilities such as zoos or research facilities for the use of their MRI machines? If so, how much did you Trust pay these facilities last financial year (2019-20)?

4). If applicable, how many patients have needed an MRI in facilities provided in places other than your Trust last year? Please provide the location and reason for this.


1). Patients who fail in the first instance due to claustrophobia will be offered a 2nd appointment with a mild sedative from their GP or referring clinician. If they fail a 2nd time or do not wish to proceed a referral to an ‘open scanner’ will be made.

The Trust has a SLA with Alliance Medical Ltd, in St Annes, where they have 2 x open scanners, each referring directorate is able to send referrals to Alliance to ascertain whether they can accommodate the particular body part on their scanners. When agreed an appointment will be arranged once  an approved Purchase Order Number has been received.

Not all examinations undertaken on a closed syste can be done on the lower filed strength open MR scanners. For other cases alternative imaging modalities may be considered. In the event that there are no alternative modalities the referral will returned to the referrer for his/her clinical assessment and next steps.

2). Yes, our Trust utilises a local scanning company for  patients who may need an MRI scan who meet the criteria of being unable to use our Trusts’ scanners with the facility to utilise the European Scanning Centre in Manchester when required.

3). No

4). N/A

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