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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
October 29, 2019
PrEP Impact Trial

1). How many gay / bisexual / MSM men are on the PrEP Impact trial hosted at Whitegate Health Centre?

2). How many gay / bisexual / MSM men are currently waiting to join your PrEP Impact trial at Whitegate Health Centre, ie, on a waiting list?

3). How many gay / bisexual / MSM men have been prevented from joining the PrEP Impact trial at Whitegate Health Centre due to it being full / paused to MSM?

4). How many gay / bisexual / MSM men have previously been turned away from the PrEP Impact trial at Whitegate Health Centre due to other reasons?


1). I can confirm there are 48 gay / bisexual / MSM men are on the PrEP Impact trial hosted at Whitegate Health Centre

2). I can confirm there are 28 gay / bisexual / MSM men are currently waiting to join your PrEP Impact trial at Whitegate Health Centre, ie, on a waiting list?

3). I can confirm there have been 28 gay / bisexual / MSM men prevented from joining the PrEP Impact trial at Whitegate Health Centre due to it being full / paused to MSM

4). I can confirm this information is not held.

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