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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
October 8, 2019
Unplanned Absence

1). In 2010

Number of staff stranded abroad by the Iceland ash cloud How many of those staff deducted annual leave for unplanned absence How many of those staff granted special leave for unplanned absence.

2). In October 2017

Number of staff stranded abroad by bankruptcy of Monarch How many of those staff were deducted annual leave for unplanned absence How many of those staff granted special leave for unplanned absence.

3). In September 2019

Number of staff stranded abroad by bankruptcy of Thomas Cook How many of those staff were deducted annual leave for unplanned absence How many staff granted special leave for the unplanned absence.


1). Our systems do not record the reason why a staff member has taken annual leave, paid or unpaid. As such we are unable to provide a figure in answer to this question.

2). Our systems do not record the reason why a staff member has taken annual leave, paid or unpaid. As such we are unable to provide a figure in answer to this question.

3). Our systems do not record the reason why a staff member has taken annual leave, paid or unpaid. As such we are unable to provide a figure in answer to this question.

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