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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
August 13, 2019
Vaginal Mesh Surgeries

I am writing to request information related to vaginal mesh surgery statistics held by Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust under the above-mentioned Act.

If possible, I would like you to provide me with the following information:

1). The number of surgeries performed using vaginal mesh to treat pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence for the last available fiscal year and previous years (up to 10 years in the past)

2). The total number of pelvic organ prolapse surgeries that were performed on women and men (separate statistics) between 01 April 2018 and 01 April 2019:

3). The total number of patients who were recommended pelvic floor muscle training as treatment for their pelvic organ prolapse between 01 April 2018 and 01 April 2019.



Financial Year count
2008/09 22
2009/10 100
2010/11 102
2011/12 76
2012/13 58
2013/14 74
2014/15 142
2015/16 72
2016/17 71
2017/18 35
2018/19 5


Financial Year F M
2018/19 120 <5*

*The information you have requested relates to a very small number of individuals and is classed as personal data. To provide further detail may breach their confidentiality and therefore we are exempting this information under Section 40(2) of the FOI Act

3). We do not routinely record this information, to retrieve it would require a manual trawl of patient case notes which would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).

In terms of pelvic organs, I refer to the pelvic organs such as the bladder, uterus, vagina, bowel, and rectum.

Attachment 1
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