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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
June 27, 2019
NHS Pensions

Q: Please can the trust outline any specific measures it has taken or is considering taking to mitigate the impact of pension tax charges on senior staff, which are causing some staff to reduce their hours or in some cases retire.

The issues are summarised in this recent report from NHS Employers:




There are discussions currently taking place both within this Trust and Nationally to mitigate and hopefully reduce any unnecessary actions by any Staff. These Pension changes affect all Staff, not just Senior Staff within the Trust. There is a Trust-wide Communication due to go out early next week as a guide to Staff to assist them in their understanding of pension matters.

The Trust has to be mindful of every aspect that pension changes make, including not incentivising Staff to not be in the Pension Scheme.

Independent Financial Advisors are best placed to help Staff determine what may be best for them in the longer term. The Trust cannot recommend any specific Advisors but are looking at the potential provision of information being relayed to Staff from other sources.

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