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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
September 25, 2019
Intra Ocular Lense Contract

FOI request:

· When is the current contract for IOLs (Intra ocular lenses) in Ophthalmology up for renewal?

· Who is your current IOL provider?

· Please provide annual usage in the following years: 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018 year to date

· Please provide annual spend in the following years: 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018 year to date

· In relation to IOLS what is your Route to Market /OJEU reference and contractual commitments including extension options?

· When is your Phaco machinery (for cataracts) contract up for renewal?

· Who is your current provider of the Phaco machinery?

· How many Phaco machines do you have and what are the age of these machines?

· In relation to Phaco machines what is your Route To Market /OJEU reference and contractual commitments including extension options?

· When is your VR (Vit-Ret) machinery contract up for renewal?

· Who is your current provider of the VR machinery?

· How many VR machines do you have and what are the age of these machines?

· In relation to VR machines what is your Route To Market /OJEU reference and contractual commitments including extension options?

· What type of contract do you have with your local commissioner payment by results, block contract, or an aligned incentives?

· Do you currently have a managed equipment service within your NHS Trust?

· If yes what disease area?

· How many YAG lasers linked PCO (Posterior capsule Opacification) after cataracts have you undertaken between 2017-2018 and 2018-2019?

· Does your NHS Trust outsource initiative list for cataracts to a 3rd party suppliers to support capacity inefficacies?

· If yes is this contract between the Trust and 3rd party provider or the CCG and 3rd party provider?


Please see attached document

Attachment 1
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Attachment 9