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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
September 17, 2018
Smoking And Vaping Policy

(1) What is your Trust’s policy regarding smoking on hospital grounds? Please specify. For example:

  • Is smoking banned throughout the site?
  • Is smoking banned in the car park?
  • Is smoking banned in private vehicles while on site?
  • Is smoking permitted anywhere on site?
  • Are there smoking shelters (eg in the car park, in the grounds)?
  • Are there designated smoking areas (eg in the car park, in the grounds)?

(2) On what date did the Trust adopt its current policy on smoking?


(3) Does the Trust have any plans to change its smoking policy? If so, please specify what those changes will be. For example, do you intend to:

  • Remove existing smoking shelters and extend non-smoking areas, or
  • Permit designated smoking areas or install designated smoking shelters


(4) If the answer to Q3 is ‘YES’ please specify the date on which the Trust plans to implement the changes.

(5) What is the Trust’s policy regarding vaping in (a) hospital buildings including wards, and (b) hospital grounds?

(6) Does the Trust have any plans to change its vaping policy? Please specify how it will change and when.

(7) How are the Trust’s smoking policies enforced? For example: signage, public address systems, use of CCTV cameras/wardens to monitor the site etc.

(8) How many recorded complaints has the Trust received from members of the public (including patients) about patients, visitors or staff smoking on hospital grounds since 1st January 2018?


(1) What is your Trust’s policy regarding smoking on hospital grounds? Please specify. For example:

  • Is smoking banned throughout the site? YES
  • Is smoking banned in the car park? YES
  • Is smoking banned in private vehicles while on site? YES
  • Is smoking permitted anywhere on site? NO
  • Are there smoking shelters (eg in the car park, in the grounds)? NO
  • Are there designated smoking areas (eg in the car park, in the grounds)? NO

(2) On what date did the Trust adopt its current policy on smoking?

A smokefree policy has been in place since 2006. Current policy was issued 16/06/2017


(3) Does the Trust have any plans to change its smoking policy? If so, please specify what those changes will be. For example, do you intend to:
No changes are going to be made to the current policy in relation to the statements below.

  • Remove existing smoking shelters and extend non-smoking areas, or
  • Permit designated smoking areas or install designated smoking shelters


(4) If the answer to Q3 is ‘YES’ please specify the date on which the Trust plans to implement the changes.


(5) What is the Trust’s policy regarding vaping in (a) hospital buildings including wards, and (b) hospital grounds?

Vaping is not allowed


(6) Does the Trust have any plans to change its vaping policy? Please specify how it will change and when.

Not at present. 


(7) How are the Trust’s smoking policies enforced? For example: signage, public address systems, use of CCTV cameras/wardens to monitor the site etc.

Signage is in place


(8) How many recorded complaints has the Trust received from members of the public (including patients) about patients, visitors or staff smoking on hospital grounds since 1st January 2018?


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