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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
FOI 02618
Request Date
August 1, 2018
ICT Expenditure update

I am writing to you with a freedom of information request.

Please could you provide me with information about your organisation’s ICT expenditure as detailed in the attached template.

I have tried to find this information in your organisation’s published data, but was unable to find the level detail I require.
I fully expect that you may not be able to provide all the information I am looking for. If this is the case, please provide me with as much information as you can within the template. For example: you may be able to sub-totals for some categories, or provide information for only for certain years.

Within the response, please include:
– Expenditure from all parts of your organisation (centralised IT and departmental IT);
– As well as your own organisation, expenditure for any subsidiary organisations that fall within the scope of your accounts; and,
– Both revenue (or operating) expenditure and capital expenditure.


Please see attached response.

Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
Attachment 6
Attachment 7
Attachment 8
Attachment 9