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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
FOI 02594
Request Date
July 26, 2018
PAS System Update

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:

1. Which Patient Administration System (PAS) does the organisation use (e.g. Cerner, All Scripts, Medway, Lorenzo)?

2. Is this the system used by A&E staff to record patient admissions?

3. Are there other systems used by A&E for recording patient admissions?
If so, please state: a. System name

4. Who manages the PAS System in the Trust / Board?

5. Do you have a Cost Reduction Manager? If so, please state:
a. Full name
b. Job title
c. Department

6. Do you capture consent for injury cost recovery (ICR) in your PAS system?

7. Can you export data from the PAS system as a CSV or other file format?


1. IMS Hearts

2. Yes

3. No

4. Patient Administration System Manager

5a. Philip Burns

5b. Turnaround Director

5c. Finance



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