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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
FOI 02582
Request Date
July 23, 2018
IT Equipment Disposal
  1. How does your Trust dispose of old IT equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, peripherals, tablets etc?
  2. Do you recycle old IT equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, peripherals, tablets etc?
  3. What is the volume of old IT equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, peripherals, tablets etc disposed of or recycled in the last year? (if exact number unknown, an estimate would be acceptable)
  4. What is the Trust spend in the last year on disposal/recycling of old IT equipment such computers, peripherals, tablets etc?
  5. Which company does the Trust use to recycle old IT equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, peripherals, tablets etc?
  6. Is there a contract in place with this company
  7. What is included in the contract (such as collection)
  8. When is the contract end date?
  9. What standards/certifications/requirements/assurances does the Trust ensure before selecting a company to recycle its old IT equipment?
  10. Please provide the name and contact details for the person in your organisation responsible for old IT equipment disposal/recycling?



1/ How does your Trust dispose of old IT
equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, peripherals, tablets etc?
Our Trust has a 3rd party contract for disposal of
IT equipment.

2/ Do you recycle old IT equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, peripherals, tablets etc?

Handled under a 3rd party contract

3/ What is the volume of old IT equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, peripherals, tablets
etc disposed of or recycled in the last year? (if exact number unknown, an estimate would be

Approximately 1300 items in total

4/ What is the Trust spend in the last year on disposal/recycling of old IT equipment such
computers, peripherals, tablets etc?

£0 cost to the Trust

5/ Which company does the Trust use to recycle old IT equipment such as desktop computers, laptops,
peripherals, tablets etc?

Computer Disposals Limited.

6/ Is there a contract in place with this company


7/ What is included in the contract (such as collection)

Collections. Destruction of HDD takes place before leaving site

8/ When is the contract end date?                        Apr-21

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