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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
July 17, 2018
Agency & Overseas Spend 17-18
  1. How many FTE nurse vacancies do you currently have?
  2. What was your total nursing agency spend for financial year 2017/18 inclusive?
  3. Had the Trust  recruited nursing and midwifery staff from outside the UK during the 2017/18 financial year
  4. If yes, why?
  5. If the Trust has recruited nursing staff from overseas during the 2017/18 financial year:
    1. The total number of overseas nurses recruited
    2. A breakdown of overseas nurses recruited by country
    3. For the 2017/18 nurses, I would like to know how many are still in post?
  6. If any of the Trust’s staff attended recruitment events outside the UK in 2017/18  If so, you request for:
    1. Location and duration of event
    2. Number of staff who attended, length of trip and any associated costs incurred for travel accommodation and meals.
  7. If the Trust has used a recruitment company or partner to conduct this recruitment of nurses outside the UK, or if it was conducted directly by the Trust. If you have used a recruitment agency or partner, please provide:
    1. The name of the recruitment company or partner used
    2. A breakdown of the recruitment fees charged to/paid by your organisation to the company or partner used.
    3. Please confirm the number of nurses hired for employment by the trust through a recruitment company or partner
  1. 172.69
  2. Agency qualified nursing – £899,745.60 Agency unqualified nursing – £327,064.52
  3. Yes
  4. Due to lack of supply in the UK, and previous positive experience with international recruitment
  5. :-
    1. 15, with a further 51 in pipeline to start once they have cleared CBT and IELTS/OET
    2. all Philippines
    3. all
  6. :-
    1. All
    2. 4 – all costs including travel, accommodation and meals were covered by the agency
  7. :-
    1. Jane Lewis
    2. Fees are 9% of first year salary, and we also pay for flight to the UK, Health Surcharge, Visa and CBT
    3. as above 15 with 51 in pipeline
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