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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
June 22, 2018
A&E GP Streaming Service
  1. What are the opening hours?
  2. How many GPs do you have working at any one time?
  3. What is the hourly pay?
  4. What is the seniority mix?
  5. How many GPs do you have and how many vacancies?
  6. What proportion are:
    a) locums,
    b) from local practices
    c) employed by the Trust, or
    d) other? (If other, please explain)
  7. Between November 1 2017 and April 30 2018:
    How many patients were seen through A&E GP streaming?
  8. What proportion were:
    a) dealt with in full,
    b) sent through to A&E,
    c) referred to their own GP or
    d) other?
  9. To date (since launching the streaming service):
    How many patient complaints have you received concerning A&E GP streaming?
  1. Due to being an integrated service we no longer distinguish between ‘in’ and ‘out’ of hours as no operational processes change when traditional OOH’s commences at 18:30 and over weekends therefore we class the UCC as being open 24/7
  2. As we work within an integrated service and streaming is co-located with the OOH’s, we utilise GP’s across both, therefore dependant on the day and time we have between 1 and 3 GP’s working
  3. £85 -£110 dependant on time of day
  4. GP/ ANP’s/ EMP’s/ NP’s/ HCA’s
  5. There are no GP’s employed, it managed through regular Locums and agency staff.
  6. Two thirds of shifts are covered by locums and one third via agency staff
  7. 13,391
  8. Primary Care Streaming has been in place at Blackpool Urgent Care Centre since 2010. Since October 2017, we have received complaints concerning the streaming process
  9. Primary Care Streaming has been in place at Blackpool Urgent Care Centre since 2010. Since October 2017, we have received complaints concerning the streaming process
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