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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
May 15, 2018
Risk Register System
  1. Do you use an electronic system to store and manage your risk register (ie spreadsheet, software such as Datix) and if so what do you use
  2. How many risks in total are on your risk register? Please break these down into risk grading (ie low, moderate, high)
  3. Please may you provide a copy of your risk register?
  4. Please provide a copy of documentation provided to staff to assist with managing risks on the risk register (ie how to guides, policy etc
  5. Who manages the risk register on behalf of the organisation? (I do not need to know the individual, just the team and job title)
  1. The Corporate Risk Register is an Excel Spreadsheet, PDF for presentation
  2. on the Corporate Risk Register 57 risks (Approved April 2018)
  3. Attached, however we do not place it in the public domain as the document identifies organisational risks
  4. CORP/POL/547 (see attached)
  5. Head of Corporate Assurance
Attachment 1
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Attachment 9