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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
February 23, 2018
Substance Abuse
  1. How many patients were identified as having a substance abuse/ reliance issue?
    1. 2013/14
    2. 2014/15
    3. 2015/16
    4. 2016/17
    5. 2017/18 to date (most recent data available)
  2. How many were offered residential rehabilitation (including those outsourced to private facilities)?
    1. 2013/14
    2. 2014/15
    3. 2015/16
    4. 2016/17
    5. 2017/18 to date (most recent data available)
  3. How much funding was granted to your CCG
    in order to cover substance rehabilitation

    1. 2013/14
    2. 2014/15
    3. 2015/16
    4. 2016/17
    5. 2017/18 to date (most recent
      data available)
  1. :-
    1. 397
    2. 405
    3. 313
    4. 282
    5. 286 to the 15/03/2018
  2. We do not routinely record the requested data and to determine if we hold this information would require a manual trawl through paper records. This would constitute a disproportionate effort to retrieve and would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).
  3. The CCG does not receive a funding allocation
    specifically for substance rehabilitation, so this
    information is not held.
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