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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
February 16, 2018
Printer Services And Devices

Managed printing services

  1. Does the organisation have a managed print service?
    1. If so please state the name of the supplier used
  2. Contract end date
  3. Total annual cost (2016/17)
  4. Please provide the details of individual responsible for authorising/signing the contract for the organisations procurement of printer devices – please provide the following
    1. Name
    2. Job Title
    3. Maximum Sign-off



  1. How many printer devices does the NHS organisation have?
  2. Please provide a breakdown of the number of printers by the following types of devices:
    1. MFDs (floor standing A3/A4 MFDs)
    2. Networked Printers (A4 printers, desktop MFDs)
    3. Personal Printers (A4 inkjet and small all in one devices not networked)
  3. How many staff within the organisation use IT services and can print to printers and MFDs? incl. all staffing groups e.g IT, doctors, admin, secretaries etc.
  4. What is the total number of pages produced per member of staff, each month?
  5. What is the estimated % of pages printed in colour each month?


Supply & Operational Costs

  1. How much does it cost the NHS organisation to process a consumable transaction?
    This should include all costs associated to raising a purchase order; raising a requisition, budgetary approval, choosing the source, raising the physical purchase order, communicating it to the supplier, receiving the goods or services, reconciling the purchase order and invoice, approving the invoice for payment, paying the invoice and archiving the documents
  2. What is the cost per call to the provider’s help desk/service desk?
  3. What is your power cost per kWh for 2016/17?
    This represents the cost that the organisation pays for electricity divided by the total electricity consumed (kWh)
  4. What is the average capital write-down, lease or rental period for the printers & MFDs within the organisation (e.g. 3, 4, 5 years)?
  5. Does the organisation use non-original equipment manufacturer (non-OEM) consumables? If so, what savings has the organisation achieved through these purchases?
  6. Has the trusted funded (either through capital or external financing) any projects relating to the procurement of printer devices?
    1. If so, how much has the organisation invested?
    2. What is the expected/planned annual savings for the project?
  1. Yes
    1. Canon
  2. 01/05/2022
  3. This information is exempt under section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as disclosure would prejudice the commercial interests of the Trust.
    1. Shaun Bucknill
    2. Head of ICT
  4. 374 under Canon Managed Print contract
    1. 271
    2. 374
    3. 0
  5. 100%
  6. 278
  7. 3%
  8. We do not hold this information as we buy in excess of 28,000 items per year and because of the method of purchase it would be extremely difficult and misleading to provide an answer.
  9. Helpdesk to Helpdesk service is charged at £666 per month regardless of number of calls logged.
  10. 9.8285 p/kWh
  11. Leased for 5 yearsa
  12. We do not use OEM consumables
  13. No
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