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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
June 28, 2016
Annual Budget & Building Spend

1)      The trust’s total annual budget.

2)      The annual cost to the trust of any spending associated with using buildings owned by, leased from or built by private providers – including interest payments.

3)      The maintenance and any other associated costs the Trust has paid (during the last three years) to private providers for these buildings. And the expected associated costs for the current financial year.

4)      The total value of any contracts the trust holds with private providing services and any commercially viable details of these.


1. This information is available on the Trust website – http://www.bfwh.nhs.uk/about-our-trust/

2. Circa £10million annually or more. = 0

3. Circa £10million annually or more. = 0

4. Circa £10million annually or more. = 0


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