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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
February 8, 2016
Number of Staff by Grade

1. The total number of staff in each of the following categories as at 1st January 2016

  • Nurse grades (preferably split by grade)
  • Doctor grades (preferably split by grade)
  • Non-clinical grades (split not necessary)
  • Senior Managers and Executives
  • Total number of staff employed

2. Since January 1st 2016, has the Trust reduced the salary or wages, by way of a reduction in contracted hours or direct salary deduction, of any of the staff listed in the above categories due to financial pressures, a reduction in budget or no funds being available within the budgets? Please also confirm whether this is a permanent or temporary reduction. Wages and salaries that have been reduced through other than the Trust’s financial constraints (for example new job share arrangements, semi-retirement, demotion etc) are not required.

3. If yes to the above question, please provide the number of affected staff split into the categories as above. A list of specific departments/wards etc would be useful.



ESR data as at 1/1/16. Headcount FTE
Nurses Band 5 1318 1137.57
Nurses Band 6 632 529.83
Nurses Band 7 374 339.05
Nurses Band 8 88 84.57
Nurses Total 2412 2091.02
Doctors – Associate Specialist 10 9.5
Doctors – Clinical Assistant 1 0.09
Doctors – Consultant 211 199.75
Doctors – Foundation Year 1 36 36
Doctors – Foundation Year 2 34 34
Doctors – General Medical Practitioner 1 0.41
Doctors – Specialty Doctor 38 32.63
Doctors – Specialty Registrar 7 7
Doctors – Staff Grade 7 4.48
Doctors – Trust Grade Dr – Career Grade 18 18
Doctors – Trust Grade Dr – Specialty Registrar 21 20.6
Doctors Total 384 362.46
Non-Clinical (inc Snr Mgrs & Execs) 1777 1510.54
Senior Managers & Executives (Band 8 +) 93 91.24
Total staff 6885 5912.89

2. We do not record this information.

3. Not applicable.

Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
Attachment 6
Attachment 7
Attachment 8
Attachment 9