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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
February 2, 2016
Control Totals

1. The financial ‘control total’ that the trust has been asked to sign up to for 2016-17. This number was sent to trusts by Monitor/TDA in mid-January, and asked for a response by February 8. Please provide the number stated by Monitor/TDA in their letter.





  1. The trust’s draft surplus/deficit plan before the above letter was received.



  1. If the trust has now agreed a control total for 2016-17, please state what it is (if different to 1.)



  1. If it is not agreed, please state the figure requested by the trust.



  1. Has the trust been allocated any ‘transformation’ funding for 2016-17? If so how much? (If the total is not agreed, please state the amount which has been stated initially by Monitor/TDA.)



  1. Has the trust been allocated any ‘sustainability’ funding for 2016-17? If so how much? (If the total is not agreed, please state the amount which has been stated initially by Monitor/TDA.)




1.This information is exempt under section 22 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as it is intended for future publication.


NHS Improvement intends to publish the control totals and provisional Sustainability and Transformation Fund (STF) allocations in its report on the annual operation plans;

indicative control totals and draft operating plans are intended for confidential discussion between NHS Improvement and the trust – Monitor would not publish these; and

with regards to STF allocations, further information will be available and communicated to NHS providers – this is currently being coordinated by Monitor and the NHS TDA.


2.The Trust annual plan (for 16/17), including any surplus/ deficit position, continues to be developed, and a final version will be sent to the FT Monitor in April 2016.


3. Please see question 1 response.


4. Please see question 1 response.


5. Please see question 1 response.


6. Please see question 1 response.


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