Trust Recognition Rainbow highlights a host of positive feedback

Maxine Bullock, Kellie Mason and Eleanor Walsh from the Trust’s Patient Experience team with the Recognition Rainbow which can be found near Marks and Spencer at Blackpool Victoria Hospital

 A special wall display at Blackpool Victoria Hospital is helping to boost staff morale by sharing positive patient feedback.

The Recognition Rainbow, housed on the rear wall near Marks and Spencer in the hospital’s main entrance, displays touching messages from a variety of patients about all areas of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Head of Patient Experience, Eleanor Walsh, said: “The Rainbow originally belonged to the Organisational Development department and originally used for staff to write encouraging messages to others in during Covid.

“We decided to turn it into a Recognition Rainbow and refresh the style of compliments to make it more noticeable. The plan was with this wonder wall, and our monthly Staff Shout Outs, would make staff see the positive side of patient experience and lift spirits.”

The Trust’s charity, Blue Skies Hospitals Fund, originally funded the Rainbow project in 2020 and the feedback will be changed every quarter.

Some of the feedback on the Recognition Rainbow

Eleanor added: “We were also hoping it would encourage staff to tell us about the praise they had received by logging more compliments on the Trust’s intranet and increasing the numbers of compliments for their area.

“We hope it will also encourage patients and the public to reach out to us and either submit a Staff Shout Out nomination or a compliment via the Trust website or the email address provided on the Rainbow.”

Another Recognition Rainbow is due to be erected at Clifton Hospital soon.

Patients and visitors can find the Staff Shout Out nomination form here: or email



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