
PLACE (Patient Led Assessment of the Care Environment)

Patient Led Assessment of the Care Environment (PLACE) is an annual assessment carried out across the Trust by a dedicated team of staff and external patients.

The process assesses what matters to the patients, reporting what matters to patients and ensuring the patient’s voice plays a significant role in determining the outcome.

The assessment continues to be an annual self-assessment with the patient assessors making up 50% of the audit team.

Environment assessments are carried out at ward and departmental level, from a patient perspective, each PLACE visit will generate a score in the four separate domains of:

  • Cleanliness
  • Food and hydration
  • Privacy, dignity and wellbeing
  • Condition, appearance and maintenance
  • Dementia
  • Disability


Blackpool Victoria Hospital and Clifton Hospital have now completed the self-assessments, which were carried out by a multidisciplinary team which included the following representations:

  • Patient representation (50% of team)
  • Director of Operations
  • Matrons
  • Infection Prevention
  • Head of Facilities
  • Facilities Manager
  • Estates Manager

Final results will be shared with the CQC who will use this information in discharging their responsibilities for monitoring and reporting of Trust performance.

2022 Annual PLACE Assessment

PLACE Assessments are due to restart in 2022 and further information on this will be provided in due course.  Mini PLACE Assessments continue to be undertaken, with feedback being provided to help drive improvements in standards.

2020 & 2021 Annual PLACE Assessment

Due to the Covid-19 global pandemic the 2020 & 2021 Annual PLACE Assessments were not undertaken in line with guidance from NHS England/Improvement.

Mini PLACE Assessments have continued throughout the pandemic and have had a favourable impact on the patient environment, as many issues are highlighted and rectified on a regular basis; this was evident during the assessments conducted throughout 2019.