Peter leaves legacy of learning to generation of nurses 

Caroline Costello says dad Peter ‘is sorely missed but remembered fondly by many of the senior nurses today’

Nursing is very much a family affair for Caroline Costello whose mum and dad met at Blackpool Vic, fell love and made their careers there. 

Peter Cardew was the tutor pictured with a class of 1991 at the old hospital nursing school submitted to our NHS75 archive by his former student Andrea Goodey. 

“You’ve made my day putting this picture on your page,” said Caroline, an Enhanced Recovery Nurse who will qualify as an advanced clinical practitioner this year. 

“My lovely dad worked for the Trust for many years and inspired me to progress in my career in nursing as well as many others who work here.” 

Peter and his future wife, Christine, who recently retired as a practice nurse, met more than 45 years ago in the old hospital halls of residence. 

“I remember being handed over from the parent who was on days to the one who had just finished nightshift. I can still remember the smell of disinfectant while walking the corridors in my pyjamas!” said Caroline. 

Peter worked in A&E, coronary care, AMU and the old ward 22 before becoming a tutor. He later left to lecture in counselling and psychotherapy at the University of Central Lancashire. 

“He continued to do bank shifts as he felt it gave him an opportunity to continue teaching the nurses of today,” said Caroline.

Sadly, Peter died shortly after retiring in 2021 from pancreatic cancer, aged 60. 

“He is sorely missed but remembered fondly by many of the senior nurses today,” said Caroline. 

Tutor Peter Cardew in the picture submitted by then student nurse Audrey Goodey

Posted in Home Page, NHS75.