Halloween treats for Ward 7 patients

Spooktacular! Ward 7 staff -SN Miguel Rubio, HCA Michael Slater, Ward Clerk Tina Russell, HAS Stephen Bassett, and ST/N Nisha with the Halloween cupcakes

Spooktacular! Ward 7 staff -Staff nurse Miguel Rubio, healthcare assistant Michael Slater, ward clerk Tina Russell, healthcare assistant Stephen Bassett, and student nurse Nisha with the Halloween cupcakes


Patients in Ward 7 enjoyed a spooky treat with their tea this morning.

As well as decorating the ward in a Halloween theme, a variety of eerie cakes were brought in, kindly donated by the staff.

Organiser, ward clerk Tina Russell, said: “We decided to organise a Halloween tea party just to try and make are patients smile and bring them some happiness when they are feeling at their worst.

“In fact one patient today told us we made his day.

“I’m so happy that I’ve made at least one of our patients happy. Well, I hope I’ve brought a little ray of sunshine to them all.”


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