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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
January 30, 2020
Straight To Test

1). Do you have any ‘straight-to-test pathways’ for suspected cancer referrals and if so what specialities do these apply to, eg, gastroenterology?

2). By year, how many patients have been assessed via a straight-to-test pathway over the past three years (or the years within that period the system has been in place)?

3). What proportion of these patients were discharged back to the GP after tests


1). We do not routinely record this information, to retrieve it would require a manual trawl of patient case notes which would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).

2). We do not routinely record this information, to retrieve it would require a manual trawl of patient case notes which would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).

3). We do not routinely record this information, to retrieve it would require a manual trawl of patient case notes which would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).

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