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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
January 23, 2020

1). Does the trust currently have an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) in place?

2). If so, what EDMS is deployed?

3). When was the system deployed?

4). When does the contract with the EDMS supplier end or when is the review date?

5). What is the rough spend on the EDMS either annually or total contract value (TCV)?

6). How was the EDMS procured, i.e. via framework and if so, which one?

7). Does the trust have an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system in place?

8). If so, what EPR is deployed?

9). When was the EPR deployed?

10). What is the value of the EPR contract, either annually or total contract value (TCV)?

11). When is the current EPR contract due for renewal?

12). Does the trust store active physical patient files in-house or off-site .

13). If off-site, who is the current storage provider?

14). When is the contract due for renewal?

15). How many files/boxes are stored off-site.

16). If physical files are stored on-site, roughly how many files/boxes are in the trusts library?

17). How many WTE/FTE work within the library.

18). How many clinical appointments does the trust average each day/week/month?


1). No, however the Trust is currently in the process of rolling out an EDMS.


3). Currently being rolled out.

4). 5 Year contract.

5). This information is exempt under section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as disclosure would prejudice the commercial interests of the Trust.

6). Via Framework.

7). Partial, at present the primary record is still paper based.

8). Acute (IMS MAXIMS), Community (EMIS)

9). 2015

10). This information is exempt under section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as disclosure would prejudice the commercial interests of the Trust.

11). November 2020.

12). In house and off-site.

13). The files are stored at other Trust sites.

14). N/A

15). N/A

16). I can confirm there are approx 610,000 files stored on-site in the Trusts library.

17). 73.72 WTE

18). The total average number of clinical appointments  (attendances & dna’s) per month from Dec 18 – December 19 was 33,351

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