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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
January 15, 2020

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) assess the quality of care delivered to NHS patients from the patient perspective. Currently covering two clinical procedures, PROMs calculate the health gains after surgical treatment using pre- and post-operative surveys.

The two procedures are: hip replacements & knee replacements.

With this is mind, please provide responses to the following questions:

1). What method(s) is your Trust using to gather and collate PROMs data?

2). Do you use an electronic solution to gather this data, is it paper-based, or both?

3). If electronic, what solution(s) are you using?

4). Who is responsible for the gathering and collation of PROMs data within your Trust (name & job title)?


1). Questionnaire handed to patient when they attend Pre Admission.

2). Paper based.

3).  N/A

4). The Patient Experience department are responsible for this data gathering. This is currently performed as a team therefore there is not one person responsible. Please see the link below:


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