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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
December 24, 2019
Record Keeping Policy

I am interested in the policy, procedures, and format of record keeping to be used by staff who may be concerned by the behaviour of non-staff members in BVH. This would include, but not exclusively, what merits recording, where is it recorded, how, and by whom? Should concerns be reported immediately to line managers and should other staff members be alerted and how?
My interest is triggered by the non-medical issues facing staff from non-staff members in the ED. These might be relatives or patients – i.e. non-employees – ranging from perhaps, people who are sober but might be arguing with staff over delays to at the other extreme people who are for example not sober and are troublesome.

So what I am thinking about is the ‘customer’ management of those who fall below the need for arrest


All incidents are reported through the Trust incident reporting system as per CORP/POL/605  and CORP/PROC/123, The Prevention and Management of Violence, Aggression and Abuse at Work. Further to this, if any Risk of Violence Warning alert was to go on the system they would follow CORP/PROC/616, Placing a Risk of Violence Warning Marker on Electronic and Paper Records.

 All policy documents referred to above accompany this document for reference.

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