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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
November 22, 2019
Wholesale Dealer License

I would like to enquire about the status of your WDA(H) license (the wholesale dealer license that allows the trust to supply drugs to care providers, such as hospices). Please could you answer the following questions:

1). Do you hold a WDA(H) license?

2). What are the benefits of holding a WDA(H) license?

3). What are the 3 main requirements to maintain a WDA(H) license?

4).  Does the WDA(H) license benefit the trust?

5). Are you likely to retain/renew the WDA(H) license? If not, what are your reasons of not wanting to hold a WDA(H) license?


1). Yes

2). Subjective answer, after reviewing MHRA Licence requirements and Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical distributors 2017 (MHRA)

3). Refer to MHRA Licence requirements and Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical distributors 2017 (MHRA)

4). Indirectly

5). Yes

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