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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
November 18, 2019
Breast Screening & Breast Clinics

1). Breast Screening – (Asymptomatic)

a). Does the trust have a dedicated breast screening service/unit (Asymptomatic mammograms) – This could be separate from the main x-ray department?

b). If so, what is the name of the service?

c). Is this run in a static unit or on breast screening vans (Or Both)? How many vans does the service run? How many static sites does the service run?

d). How many ladies are scanned/screened on average, per day on each van/static unit?

e). Does the service scan on a 5 day or 7 day week?

f). Who has the overall responsibility for the breast screening service?

g). Please provide an organisational chart for the team/department with overall responsibility for the breast screening service.

2).Symptomatic Mammography & Breast Clinics

a). Which department has the responsibility for symptomatic mammograms / Symptomatic Breast Lists/Clinics? Does this come under the breast screening unit or the main radiography department of the trust?

b). How many ladies are assessed on average per day in the symptomatic breast clinic?

c). Does the service scan on a 5 day or 7 day week?

d). Who has the overall responsibility for the symptomatic breast clinics?

e). Please provide an organisational chart for the team/department with overall responsibility for the symptomatic breast clinics


1). a). The Breast Screening Service is hosted by Royal Lancaster Hospital.

b). N/A

c). N/A

d). N/A

e). N/A

f). Royal Lancaster Hospital

g). N/A

2) a). The Radiology department based within the Breast Unit at BTH.

No Breast Screening Unit at BTH.

b). 10 new patients per clinic. 2 clinics per day, four days per week

c). 5 day week

d). Scheduled Care Division

e). Director of Operations Scheduled Care, Deputy Director of Operations Scheduled Care and Radiology, Directorate Manager Surgery and Radiology, Radiologists, Radiographers, Breast Consultants, Assistant Directorate Manager, Directorate Support Manager. The Head of Department and Consultants are responsible from a clinical perspective.

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