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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
November 11, 2019
Lone Worker Device

1). Does your organisation use a dedicated lone worker device? Yes/No

2). If your organisation does not use dedicated lone worker devices, what alternatives do you use?

3). Is your organisation’s lone worker device reliant upon a sim card for reporting? Yes/No

4). How many lone worker devices does your organisation have?

5). Does your lone worker device feature in-house tracking or is tracking conducted by the service provider. Yes/No

6). Of your devices how many have been utilised in the last( this does not include solely being powered on);

6 months as verified by your service provider xx devices

12 months as verified by your service provider xx devices

18 months as verified by your service provider xx devices

24 months or more as verified by your service provider xx devices

7). Is competence in using the lone worker device included in your lone worker’s risk assessment? Yes/No

8).  Does the security department hold responsibility for the management of lone worker devices in your organisation? Yes/No

9). Does your organisation carry out an annual physical inspection of the lone worker devices? Yes/No

10). Is your security department responsible for conducting in-house training for lone workers that includes lone worker devices? Yes/No

11). What are the key areas that your lone worker training focuses upon?

12). What instructions are your lone workers given in the event that their device does not function?


1). Yes

2). Dedicated & pooled

3). Yes

4). 115

5). Location fixing is used by service provider

6). This information is not held by our Trust, but by the service provider.

7). No

8). No

9). No

10). No

11). This information is not held by our Trust, but by the service provider.

12). What instructions are your lone workers given in the event that their device does not function?


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Attachment 5
Attachment 6
Attachment 7
Attachment 8
Attachment 9