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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
September 13, 2019
Violent Incidents

Please can you tell me how many violent incidents against staff at the trust’s A&E departments have been recorded each year over the past five years.
Please include the nature of the violence (e.g. verbal, physical), whether the police were called and what action was taken against the perpetrator.

Financial Year Cause 1 Total Police involved
Non Physical 23
Physical 19
2014-15 Total 42 12
Cause 1 Total Police involved
Non Physical 11
Physical 22
2015-16 Total 33 13
Cause 1 Total Police involved
Non Physical 16
Physical 27
2016-17 Total 43 11
Cause 1 Total Police involved
Non Physical 23
Physical 14
2017-18 Total 37 11
Cause 1 Total Police involved
Non Physical 23
Physical 15
2018-19 Total 38 9

Our Trust does not hold contemporaneous records of police action for the the following reasons:

  • Police Action taken is taken after the event
  • We are not consistently informed of what police action has been taken
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
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Attachment 4
Attachment 5
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Attachment 7
Attachment 8
Attachment 9