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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
September 9, 2019

1). Name of Trust SIRO (Senior Information Risk Owner) or similar post (Chief Information Governance Officer etc), or responsible person for SIRO duties.

2). Contact email of person named in request No. 1.

3). Name of Trust DPO (Data Protection Officer) or responsible person for DPO duties.

4). Contact email of DPO.

5). Nominated Caldicott Guardian.

6). Contact email of Caldicott Guardian.


1). The SIRO for the Trust is Steven Bloor

2). Steven.bloor@nhs.net

3). The DPO for the Trust is Patricia Butcher.

4). bfwh.dataprotection.officer@nhs.net

5). The Acting Caldicott Guardian for the Trust is Dr Grahame Goode.

6). dr.goode@nhs.net

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