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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
August 27, 2019
General Adult Diabetes Services

1). How many general adult diabetes services the trusts provide – in a physical health capacity.

2). The number of people under the care of the general diabetes services.

3). Is there any mental health input into the general physical service, in the form of a mental health professional who is employed as part of the diabetes multi-disciplinary team, either full or part time.

4). If people under the care of the diabetes service are referred elsewhere outside of the core diabetes multi-disciplinary team for mental health support, then we hope you can make us aware of that.


1). We have 4 general Diabetes clinics per week and in addition, a separate Insulin Pump Clinic and MDT Foot clinic.

2). Number of patients under the care of the general Diabetes service (outpatients only) is 1996.

3). There is no current provision of a mental health professional employed as part of the Diabetes MDT.  However, this will be addressed once the new community diabetes service is set up in the new year.

4). We are not aware of anyone being referred elsewhere for mental health support, apart from the in house CBT service we currently offer, that was detailed in the previous request response.

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