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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
August 20, 2019
NHS Disciplinary Procedures

Please provide the following information about the disciplinary cases under MHPS in your organisation for the financial year 2017/18:

1). The number of permanent and locum doctors employed by the Trust (Headcount).

2). The number of concerns raised under MHPS by type of concern (the following is a suggested categorisation of the types of concern). Please allocate the cases to the most relevant type of concern.

3). The outcome of formal investigations. Please provide the data on the outcome of formal investigations according to the following table:

4). If the information requested in 2. and 3.  is set out in the report referred to in the second paragraph of the Background above, please just send me a copy of that report instead.

Please send me your Trust’s Disciplinary policy for dealing with concerns raised about doctors, the staff code of conduct, and the number of staff formally trained to handle concerns under MHPS.


1). 368


Type of concern No. of concerns raised No. of formal investigations
Doctor’s health
Clinical competence
Conduct 1 1
Professional performance
Criminality 1 1


Type of concern No further action Advice or warning Referral to the GMC Suspension Dismissal Resignation within 6 months of concern raised
Doctor’s health
Clinical competence
Conduct 1
Professional performance
Criminality 1 1 1

4). Currently 26 colleagues, Refresher Training/Case Investigator training due to take place 13th and 14th November 2019

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