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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
August 6, 2019
PFO Closure Procedure

1). How many of your consultants carry out the PFO closure procedure (catheter method only please) and what are their names?

2). How many PFO closure procedures (catheter method only) were done in 2018?

3). How many (if any) patients admitted for a PFO closure procedure (catheter method only) during 2018 died during their admission?

4). How many patients had a failed PFO closure procedure (catheter method only) requiring open heart surgery to correct during 2018?


1). I can confirm our Trust has 3 consultants who carry out the PFO closure procedure (catheter method only) – Dr Roberts, Dr Chalil and Dr Wiper.

2). 26 PFO closure procedures (catheter method only) were done in 2018.

3). 0 patients admitted for a PFO closure procedure (catheter method only) died during their admission in 2018.

4). 0 patients had a failed PFO closure procedure (catheter method only) requiring open heart surgery to correct during 2018.

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