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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
August 2, 2019
Physiotherapy Service

1). Please provide details of the number of referrals received by the Trust for patients to physiotherapy service for the following financial years:

i) 2016/17,

ii) 2017/18

iii) 2018/2019

2). Please confirm or deny whether the Trust provides Musculoskeletal (MSK) services that include first contact physiotherapists in General Practice

3). Please confirm or deny whether patients can self-refer to physiotherapy services within the MSK services provided by the Trust

4). The amount of time taken between a referral (regardless of its source) to physiotherapist being made and the patient’s first appointment with the physiotherapist

a) Please provide details of the average time taken for the following financial years:

i) 2016/17,

ii) 2017/18

iii) 2018/2019

b) If this is not available, please confirm if another entity, and if so which, holds this information for patients in the locality.

c) If this information is not held by you or another health body in your area, please confirm if referral to treatment times for physiotherapist appointments used to be recorded and if so, when did this cease to be measured?


1). i) 2016/17- 17721

ii) 2017/18 – 17389

iii) 2018/2019 – 19309

2). I can confirm our Trust provides Musculoskeletal (MSK) services that include first contact physiotherapists in General Practice

3). I can confirm patients cannot self-refer to physiotherapy services within the MSK services provided by the Trust

4).  We do not routinely record this information, to retrieve it would require a manual trawl of patient case notes which would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).

Attachment 1
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Attachment 9