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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
July 23, 2019
Kiosk Usage

1). Do you use patient self-check-in kiosks at any of your sites?

2). Who is the supplier of these kiosks?

3). Are the kiosks used for Outpatients services and if so, which specialties and sites are they available?

4). If possible, please can you provide percentage utilisation (ideally per month and specialty since they were first installed) at the sites where the patient check-in kiosks are available? (i.e. number of people checked-in via kiosk out of total number of attendances at locations with kiosks)

5). Do you monitor average outpatient journey time for patients, either by using PAS or kiosk data? (i.e. the time from patient arriving to patient leaving the hospital)

6). If so, please can you provide:

a. the percentage of data completeness for patient check-out times?

b. the average outpatient journey time for patients? (Ideally broken down by New and Follow-up appointments, and by site or specialty for 2018/19 or similar)


1). Yes  – the Trust uses a Fast Check In system in main outpatients area  at Victoria Hospital

2). Savience Ltd.

3). Only used in main outpatients area  at Victoria Hospital .This area covers: Orthopaedics & Fracture, Ophthalmic, Dental & Max Fax, Surgical and Medical clinics.

4). Unfortunately due to the complexity of the reports generated by Savience  we are unable to provide information for the requested timeline as this would constitute a disproportionate effort to retrieve and would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).

However we are able to provide 1 month of data this being from 1st April 2019 – 28th April 2019

Summary Total Average %age
Active Appointments 11007  
Kiosk Arrivals 3840 35%
Clarity Arrivals 7167 65%

5). Yes – this information is collected from the Trust PAS system not Savience.

6). Unfortunately due to the complexity of the reports generated by Savience  we are unable to provide information for the requested timeline as this would constitute a disproportionate effort to retrieve and would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).

However we are able to provide 1 month of data this being from 1st April 2019 – 28th April 2019

a. Information not held.


Average patient waiting time 00:13 07/04/2019
Average patient waiting time 00:28 14/04/2019
Average patient waiting time 00:18 21/04/2019
Average patient waiting time 00:18 28/04/2019


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