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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
July 18, 2019
EPR System - 18/07/2019

1). Does the trust’s existing EPR contain an integrated order communications and results reporting solution?

2). If the trust is planning to go out to procurement within the next 6 months for a new EPR solution, will it include an integrated order communications and results reporting solution?

3). Has the trust implemented a patient portal solution that enables patients to access and see their results?

4).  If so, which solution and who is the supplier?

5). If not, does the trust plan to procure a patient portal solution that enables patients to access and see their results?


1). The EPR currently being rolled out includes an integrated order communications and results reporting solution.

2). Currently our Trust does not have a full EPR

3). No

4). N/A

5). Not at this stage

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