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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
July 16, 2019
Cancelled Operations 05/09/2019

The total number of operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons, broken down by the cause of the cancellation, for example due to lack of beds, operating theatre capacity, staffing issues, and equipment failures. Please provide this information for each of the past three financial years (2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19). In the total number of operations, broken down by cancellation reason, please include: • Elective operations cancelled at the last minute. For the purposes of this request, last minute means on the day the patient was due to arrive, after the patient has arrived in hospital or on the day of the operation or surgery. • Cancelled urgent operations.


Total Elective Cancelled –. we do not collect data for all cancellations off our theatre system in this way.


Cancelled urgent operations – Our systems do not differentiate between whether an operation was “urgent” or “life or limb saving” and to determine if we hold this information would require a manual trawl through paper records. This would constitute a disproportionate effort to retrieve and would exceed 18 hours. This information is therefore exempt on the grounds of cost (Section 12(1)).


Cancellation Reason 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Administrative Error 47 48 76
Anaesthetist unavailable 15 19 44
Transport Issue 3 1 1
Admin- Listed incorrectly on ORMIS 16
Admin-Notes/Listing Letter Missing 3
Day Surgery beds unavailable 12
Equipment or environment failure / unavailable 45 97 37
ICU/HDU beds unavailable 38 80 99
List Overrun 145 176 227
Surgeon or Anaesthetist unavailable 6 5 16
Theatre staff unavailable 17 22 44
Urgent Case /  Emergency / Trauma took priority 62 101 70
Ward beds unavailable 196 570 131
Surgeon unavailable 42 38 24
Grand Total 616 1157 800


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