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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
December 18, 2018
Temporary Staffing

1. Spend by Suppliers for agency nurse and agency locums (2017-18 FY and 2018-19 FY to date) & any contract/SLA end dates
2. Spend by Direct Engagement provider (same periods as above) and contract start and end dates
3. % of agency doctors directly engaged through VAT effciency model
4. % of doctors on bank utilised for one shift or more per month
5. Suppliers for bank & contract end date
6. Number of candidates registered on locum bank
7. % of candidates utilised on locum bank
8. Number of agency locums cost over NHS Improvement price cap and also as a percentage
9. Number agency nurses cost over NHS Improvement price cap and also as a percentage
10. Top 5 Locum charge rates and associated grade

For FY 2017-18 please follow the link below:

Agency Doctor Spend



It’s procured through CCSRM3711 framework and 1st January 2019 – 31st August 2019
This information is exempt under section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as disclosure would prejudice the commercial interests of the Trust.
The locum bank is non-medical and is managed in house
3132, of which 775 are bank only
The Trust can confirm that it holds information that falls within the description specified in your request. However, to access and extract this information would require a manual exercise which would take over the 2.5 day limit.  The appropriate limit is specified in regulations and is set at £450 for a NHS Foundation Trust.  The appropriate limit represents the estimated cost of one person spending two and a half days in determining whether the Trust holds the information, locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Consequently, the Trust is not obliged by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to respond to your request as per section 12(1).  In addition to this we feel sharing this information may be detrimental to our ability to secure competitively priced locums.
The Trust can confirm that it holds information that falls within the description specified in your request. However, to access and extract this information would require a manual exercise which would take over the 2.5 day limit. The appropriate limit is specified in regulations and is set at £450 for a NHS Foundation Trust.  The appropriate limit represents the estimated cost of one person spending two and a half days in determining whether the Trust holds the information, locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Consequently, the Trust is not obliged by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to respond to your request as per section 12(1).  In addition to this we feel sharing this information may be detrimental to our ability to secure competitively priced locums.
2017/2018: – all Consultant






2018/2019: – all Consultant






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