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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
December 18, 2018
Overseas Recruitment

1. What was the Trust’s budget for each international permanent hiring campaign in 2016-18 (please specify whether each was for doctors / nurses etc.)
2. Number of permanent doctors hired that were sourced through international campaigns in 2016-17 and to date in 17-18
3. Number of permanent nurses hired that were sourced through international campaigns in 2016-17 and to date in 17-18
4. Name of suppliers contracted with for permanent hiring campaigns since 2016
5. Name of Internal lead for overseas permanent hiring campaigns

We do not have any specific budget for international recruitment, spend is offset against the monies from the vacancy and any removal of agency expenditure and is a cost pressure.


We can confirm we only record a total figure not broken down to nursing / medical costs etc.

Whilst we have recruited overseas doctors we have only recruited 3 via a specific campaign
Jane Lewis recruitment
Andrea Padgeon
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