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FOI Request

Disclosure ID
Request Date
October 3, 2018
Extra Beds

As part of their winter planning, Worcestershire Acute Trust has identified that 200 extra beds will be needed this winter to avoid excessively high occupancy rates. I would therefore like to know:


a) Has the trust made any assessment of how many extra beds it will need to cope with demand this winter (and if so, how many)

b) Will the trust be increasing its bed stock as appropriate to meet the increased level of demand

c) If so, has this been costed (please include financial estimates where possible/relevant)  


A) Has the trust made any assessment of how many extra beds it will need to cope with demand this winter (and if so, how many)


Yes the Trust has carried out a modelling exercise to ensure that the additional medical acute beds required are available. A number of different scenarios were modelled and identified that we require an additional 80 beds across winter.


B) Will the trust be increasing its bed stock as appropriate to meet the increased level of demand


The Trust is reorganising its current bed base to allow us to increase the number of medical acute beds required. We are also opening additional capacity in our community hospital.


C) If so, has this been costed (please include financial estimates where possible/relevant The Trust and Health Economy have developed and are implementing plans to flex capacity and put in additional services during winter. The cost is circa £3.5m.
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